
Terms & Conditions

To help us provide you with the very best services and avoid confusion and misunderstandings, we ask that you to read the Terms & Conditions below carefully. By booking, registering for, making a payment towards, or participating in a tour or other travel product or service with ePhilippines Adventure Travel and Destinations ( ePhilippines), you agree to the Terms that apply to that package in effect at the time of your booking. These Terms represent a legally binding contract.


The following terms and conditions apply to all Travel and tour packages organized by e-Philippines Adventure Travel and Destinations, operator and owner of the website with URL: www.e-Philippines.com.ph (herein after referred to as “ePhilippines”) 


For this purpose, the term “Philippine Travel and Tour Package” shall include any combination of international or domestic flights from your point of origin to your final destination, and include all hotels, resorts, accommodations, excursions, tours, transfers, rentals, etc., that have been organized on your behalf by ePhilippines.

If your booking includes Flights or Accommodations or other service, provided by someone other than ePhilippines or its appointed agents, whether ePhilippines has acted as the agent or not, then your contract shall be subject to the conditions set forth in the applicable Supplier/ Operators policies and booking conditions, or in the case of an Airline, the airline’s applicable booking conditions. These conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

Any arrangements which you make while on your Vacation and which are not made through ePhilippines are ones for which we have no responsibility or liability.

1. Making a Booking

When you make a booking with us, you undertake that you have the authority to accept and do accept these booking conditions on behalf of yourself and your party. A contract will exist upon our accepting any monies from you towards the booking or upon the issue of our confirmation or itinerary, whichever is the earlier. These conditions in conjunction with the information set out in our published information form the entire agreement between yourself and ePhilippines.

When you make a booking with ePhilippines and we accept it, the total cost of the Philippine Travel and tour package becomes due and payable immediately, unless we have agreed in writing that you may pay an initial deposit. In any event, the full amount of your Philippine Travel and Tour Package must be credited to any of ePhilippines bank accounts and other accepted payment methods a minimum of 5 days BEFORE your Philippine Travel and tour package start date.

With the failure to settle your full balance Five (5) days before your scheduled Philippine Travel and tour package, ePhilippines reserves the right to cancel your entire Philippine Travel and tour package without any legal, moral and financial liability.


2. Prices

Once you and ePhilippines have finalized and agreed on a final Philippine Travel and Tour package, prices will be fixed and final at the time of booking and generally will not be subject to any surcharges. The only exception will be an increase in our costs arising as the result of any government action including but not limited to, new or increased taxes such as VAT. 

Should you decide to cancel because of this then you must exercise your right to do so within Fourteen (14) days – including non working days, from the date we advised you of any changes.

We reserve the right to change our prices at any time before you book including any special rates that we may offer from time to time, which may not be the same as those published on this website. Please note that ALL RATES are determined based on the actual time of travel, and NOT the booking date. In some cases, posted rates may expire or become invalid after the booking date and before the actual date of travel. In this case, we will confirm and inform you of the new rates that will be in effect at the time of booking and confirmation. 


3. Payments

ePhilippines accepts payment by (1) bank transfer, (2) credit card with additional service fees, or (3) other accept payment options as listed on our Booking Procedures.


4. Receipt of Payment

Upon official receipt of payment, you will receive the following, (1) an ePhilippines Official Travel voucher and trip itinerary and (2) Airline tickets ( as required).


5. Changes by You

If you wish to change your booking with ePhilippines in any way and we can accept the change, we reserve the right to charge $10.00 per person, per amendment provided that your instructions are provided in writing, and are received at least 60 days prior to your scheduled departure. 

Thereafter, except as provided by applicable law, cancellation charges as specified in Condition 7 below, shall apply.


6. If You Cancel your Booking

You or any member of your party may cancel all or part of your Travel at any time, proved that the cancellation is made in writing to us by the person who made the original booking. You will receive a refund of the amount paid ( excluding any amendment charge) less the cancellation fees specified below.

Period before Scheduled Departure Date that Notice of Cancellation is Received Cancellation Charge as % of Total Booking Price
46 days or more None
31 – 45 days 25%
15 – 30 days 50%
Less than 15 days 100% (no refund)

Special note for flight ticketing:

This policy and refund charges are not applicable to any international or domestic air tickets that you have booked thru ePhilippines. Refund will not be allowed for any kind of cancellation for this particular service. 

Rebooking will be allowed on a case – to – case basis depending on the fare ticket terms and conditions that ePhilippines has secured for you. Normally, ePhilippines will always offer and book the lowest possible pricing for airfare which does not allow rebooking and refunds.

If you feel that there is a possibility of cancellation, please inform ePhilippines before confirming any tour package and we will make the necessary adjustments in the pricing and booking. Failure to do so will automatically waive any liability of ePhilippines with regards to flight ticketing and flight bookings.


7. If We Amend your Booking

It is unlikely that we will have to amend your Philippine Travel and Tour Package booking. However, occasionally, changes may become necessary which we reserve the right to make at any time. Most of these changes are minor and we will advise you at the earliest possible date. Flight times and carriers set out in publicity material are subject to change and all details given to you are for guidance only.

Confirmed dates will be as shown on your itinerary and air tickets. Should a material change become necessary, we will inform you as soon as reasonably possible. You may decide whether or not to accept the change, however you must accept or reject the proposed change in writing within 48 hours of notification, otherwise we will assume that you have accepted the proposed change.

A material change is one made to your travel arrangements before departure, involving change of departure or arrival airport (other than between airports within the same city airport system) outward or return flights being re-scheduled by more than 12 hours, or by substitution of accommodation originally booked with one of a lower grade. If we alter the airline, aircraft type operating your flight or routing, this is not considered a material change and we will be under no obligation to notify you of such change in advance.

If you do not wish to accept a material change, we will give you a full refund and in addition, whether or not you accept a material change prior to departure, we will also give you compensation for your inconvenience based on the following:

Period before Scheduled Departure Date within which a material change is notified Compensation payable to you or your travel agent, per person
30 days or more $ 0
15 days to 29 days $10
14 days or less $20


8. Accommodations

As we do not control the day-to-day management of your accommodations, it is possible that we may be advised that the reserved accommodation may not be suitable or available upon your arrival. If this happens, we will endeavor to provide accommodation of at least the same standard, in the same geographic area. If only accommodation of a lower standard is available, then we will refund the difference of the advertised price between the accommodation booked and that available together with compensation of $10.00 per person for your inconvenience.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are not responsible for changes which arise as a result of events outside of our control, such as technical or maintenance problems with transportation, changes imposed by re-scheduling or cancellation of flights by an airline, or main charter company, war or threat of war, civil strife, industrial disputes, natural disasters, bad weather or terrorist activity.


9. If We Cancel your Booking

We reserve the right in any circumstance to cancel your booking. However, in no case will we cancel your booking less than 30 days prior to departure, unless it is for reasons outside of our control or for non-receipt of payment by you. If we do cancel your booking ( other than for late or non-payment), we will offer you a full refund of all monies paid in respect of the Travel booking.


10. Our Liability 

Our obligations, and those of our suppliers providing any service or facility involved in any part of your Philippine Travel and Tour package are to take reasonable skill and care to arrange for the provision of such services and facilities and, where we or our supplier is actually providing the service or facility, to provide them with reasonable skill and care. Compliance with any applicable regulatory requirements (such as, for example, those of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines) will be proper performance of our, and our suppliers’, obligations. You must show that reasonable skill and care has not been used, if you wish to make any claim against us.


11. Documentation

Where travel and health documents are necessary to comply with the requirements of the Philippines Islands you may wish to visit, then it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to procure them. If failure to obtain any such documents results in fines, surcharges or any other financial penalty being imposed upon us, then you agree to reimburse us accordingly. You must ascertain by consulting your own doctor, if necessary the specific precautions deemed prudent for the country or destination you intend to visit and to ensure that the appropriate medication, inoculations or other precautions are taken.


12. Conditions of Carriage & Accommodations

We are neither a carrier nor a provider of accommodations. Each journey (whether undertaken or not) that you book by land, sea or air is governed by the conditions of the carrier undertaking to provide that carriage. Some of these conditions limit or exclude liability and are often the subject of international agreements. Copies of the applicable agreements are available for inspection at the offices of the carrier concerned.

It is your responsibility to re-confirm the onward or return sectors of any air journey with the carrier concerned or such carrier’s duly authorized Travel agents and according to such carrier’s regulations. When you book accommodations (whether provided or not) its availability or provision is subject to the ‘house rules’ of the hotel or other accommodation providing or undertaking to provide such accommodations.


13. Termination

We reserve the right in our absolute discretion to terminate your Travel without notice should your behavior be such that it is likely in our opinion, to cause distress, damage, annoyance or danger to any other person. In such circumstances, no refund or compensation will be due to you.


14. Unused Services

No refund will be due to you in respect to the non-utilization of any part of the Boracay Travel arrangements made for you, by WOW Philippines Travel Agency.


15. Travel Insurance
It is a condition of the agreement between us, that you personally take out adequate travel insurance against cancellation charges, unexpected curtailment of your vacation, medical expenses arising overseas including repatriation, loss or damage to luggage and personal liability claims against you.

Should you fail to secure such Philippines Travel Insurance coverage prior to your Philippines Travel, then you accept full responsibility for yourself and all of the members of your party, and indemnify ePhilippines and our  Philippines Travel agents and representatives (as applicable) for any and all costs that may arise, which would otherwise have been met, had such Philippines travel insurance been in force.


16. Complaints

We do our VERY BEST to ensure that your travel arrangements go according to plan. However, if you have a complaint arising out of what we have agreed to provide for you, please let us know at the earliest possible opportunity by calling our 24 hour emergency hotline via Mobile/ Viber/ Whatsapp at  +63 920 952 5285, from wherever you may be. If a problem arises during your trip, please contact us immediately, so we can help you.

To file a complaint online, please send your complaint to, ephilippines@gmail.com and type complaint in the subject line.

Please Note: that if you do not follow our complaint procedure, we CAN NOT accept responsibility for your complaint, as we would have been deprived of the opportunity to investigate the matter on your behalf, and where possible, help you to resolve the problem.


17. Applicable Law

Any contract or dispute between us and these Reservations conditions are to be governed by and construed in accordance with Philippines law. Both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Manila City, Philippines.


18. Effective Date

The effective date of this policy is January 1, 2020. It replaces all prior privacy policies issued by ePhilippines. We reserve the right to change our policy at any time. Revisions of this policy will be posted on our ePhilippines/ e-Philippines.com.ph website as required by law. Visitors to this Travel Website should review our policies from time to time to stay abreast of changes.